Late Summer

  • Autumn,  Diet,  Late Summer,  Recipe,  Spring,  Winter,  Yangsheng

    Autumn Wellness: Chinese Yam (Shan Yao 山药)

    Chinese yam (shan yao 山药), literally “mountain medicine,” is a staple food often found in a traditional yangsheng (“nourishing life”) diet. It is one of the few foods that you will see recommended in practically every season for its diverse benefits. It is commonly recommended as food to eat in the autumn season, and is perhaps my favorite yangsheng food for autumn next to pear water. Aside from its seasonal and general health benefits, it is a great addition to a neigong cultivator’s diet because it is so beneficial to the organs systems responsible for extracting post-heaven qi from the food we eat and the air we breathe, as well…

  • Autumn,  Diet,  Late Summer,  Recipe,  Yangsheng

    Apple Water 苹果水 – a Snack to Aid Digestion, Benefit the Spleen/Stomach

    Late summer is associated with the spleen organ system, the foundation of digestion. Proper digestion of the food we eat is so important for both general health and supporting neigong practice. With apples now ripening and ready for harvest, now is a great time to make use of local, in-season fruit and support our spleen/stomach with this delicious snack that aids digestion and helps to remove dampness (the spleen’s worst enemy). Apple water (or we could call it apple soup) is also a great prelude to pear soup, one of the best snacks to promote health and balance in autumn. The second half of the summer is a good time…