
  • Chinese Medicine,  Summer,  Yangsheng

    Summer Wellness

    Summer is the peak of Yang energy. Yang energy has been fully released outward and so we have sunlight, warmth, and plants and animals flourishing. The process of growing and ripening is underway. Yang qi also vaporizes moisture and can therefore create the condition of dampness in the environment. Interestingly, although yang is at its peak, summertime is also a time when yang is very much needed, and perhaps counterintuitively, Chinese health sciences would caution that we still need to be weary of cold things (food, environment, etc). Summer corresponds to the Fire phase (huǒ 火), the heart organ system, and the bitter flavor. It is recommended to get up…

  • Diet,  Spring,  Summer,  Tea,  Yangsheng

    Green Tea 绿茶: A Refreshing Spring and Summer Beverage with Health Benefits

    As we transition into summer we reach a point in the year in which many green teas have been freshly harvested and processed and are just now hitting the market. Green tea is a healthy, delicious, and refreshing beverage that is especially suitable during the warmer months.  I have met many people who think that they don’t like green tea, but in fact have never tried anything other than green tea that is mass-produced, low-quality, and generally stale. It’s one thing to find high-quality green tea, but perhaps more challenging is getting it fresh! It’s best to buy it as soon after harvest as possible from a vendor that takes…

  • Diet,  Recipe,  Spring,  Summer,  Yangsheng

    Li Xia Dan (Beginning of Summer Eggs) 立夏蛋

    As we pass the Li Xia “Beginning of Summer” 立夏 solar term, we begin to transition away from the spring season and into the summer. Summer is associated with fire and the heart organ system, and at this time, the kidneys, associated with water, are in their weakest state. This is an important time to prepare for this transition and nourish our kidney jing (essence). Our kidney system is foundational to the three treasures (jing, qi, and shen) and therefore extremely important for those who seek progress in neigong practice. In general, nourishing our kidney jing at this time makes our health strong and robust during the shift of seasons…

  • Chinese Medicine,  Summer,  Yangsheng

    Prepare for Winter in the Summer

    There is a saying in Chinese medicine: winter diseases are best treated in the summer “dong bing xia zhi” 冬病夏治. Traditional Chinese health practices are attentive to the interconnections between humans and the cycles of nature. Here, the notion is that disharmonies which tend to present themselves in the winter, especially in those who have a tendency towards yang deficiency, are best dealt with by taking preventative measures in the late summer, particularly a special period referred to as San Fu Tian 三伏天 (sometimes translated as the “dog days of summer”). San Fu Tian, which occurres in three phases that span around forty days, is the optimum time for growth…